On Wednesday 27 December 2023, the outgoing Republican Binghamton City Council (with all 3 outgoing Democrat members absent) met at NOON for under 20 minutes to ram through over $8 million dollars of ARPA funding for their pals.
There was one person in attendance, City Council Elect-Member Nate Hotchkiss, to plead to the angels of their better nature.
It appears they have none.
I am an active citizen — I attended and spoke at what all presumed to be the final City Council meeting (see Pom’s outgoing Swan Song-starts around 1 hr 17m – It should be the standard for p-e-t-t-y!). There were well wishes, farewells.
Resolutions were held over and a belief was held that the incoming City Council would make such important decisions regarding the future of the city of Binghamton, which is far more diverse than white, mostly male of the outgoing body.
One final, farewell “f-*! you” to the people of the city who voted you all out.