My introduction into academic publishing began in earnest with Professor Michael F. DiPaola as his Graduate Assistant at William & Mary and Professor Wayne K. Hoy of the Ohio State University, as Dr. DiPaola sought to write with his mentor, the capstone text for Instructional Leadership from his decades of experience as a Teacher, Principal and Superintendent. Now in its 4th edition, with online tools and workbook, it’s a treasure trove for all school leaders interested in capacity-building for more equitable and inclusive schools.

And then I immersed myself in the latest in the field to assist in the curation of practical research for school improvement for a few edited books by DiPaola & Hoy.
Refereed Publications
Kirby, M. M., Slade, C.S., Brown Wilson, C., Downer, T., Fisher, M.B., Siddiqui, Z., Isbel, S., McAllister, L., & Miller, A. (2022). A call to action for eProfessionalism: Supporting emerging health and education practitioners build their online presence through ePortfolio use, for the Journal of Computing in Higher Education.
Brown Wilson, C., Slade, C., Kirby, M. M., Downer, T., Fisher, M., & Nuessler, S. (2018). Digital ethics and the use of the ePortfolio: A scoping review of the literature. International Journal of ePortfolio, 8(2), 115-126.
Isbel, S., Kirby, M., Bevitt, T., & Nuessler, S. (2017). Occupational therapy students’ acceptance of using an E-Portfolio to support practice education. JSM Health Education & Primary Health Care 2(1), 1024.
Kirby, M. M. & Crawford, E. O. (2012). The preparation of globally competent teachers: A comparison of American and Australian education policies and perspectives. Global Partners in Education Journal, 2(1), 12-24.
Crawford, E. O. & Kirby, M. M. (2008). Fostering students’ global awareness: Technology applications in social studies teaching and learning. Journal of Curriculum and Instruction, 2(1), 56-73.
Who is citing my work?

Book Chapters:
Kirby, M. M. (2018). Leaving everything. In A. T. Kemp (Ed.), Dignity of the Calling: Educators Share the Beginnings of Their Journeys. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Lee, M. & Kirby, M. M. (2016). The promises and perils of school leadership for accountability: Four lessons from China, Hong Kong and India. In P. Tulowitzki & J. Easley (Eds.). Educational Accountability: International Perspectives on Challenges and Possibilities for School Leadership. London: Routledge.

Kirby, M. M. & DiPaola, M. F. (2009). Academic optimism and student achievement: A path model. In W. K. Hoy & M. F. DiPaola (Eds.). Studies in School Improvement: Volume 8 in the Series— Research and Theory in Educational Administration. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.

Peer Reviewed Conference Articles:
Slade, C.S., Brown Wilson, C., Kirby, M.M., Downer, T., Fisher, M.B, & Isbel, S. (2018, October). A new concern: Ethical decision making in students’ secondary use of data from their ePortfolios. Paper presented at the ePortfolios Australia Forum, Brisbane, Qld.
Crawford, E. O. & Kirby, M. M. (2014, May). Preparing teachers for global competency: Key dimensions and innovative practices. Paper presented at the annual meeting of NAFSA: Association of International Educators, San Diego, CA.
Crawford, E. O. & Kirby, M. M. (2011, April). Global education in American and Australian teacher preparation: A comparison of policy, perception, and practice. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA: American Educational Research Association, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Perez, L. G., Johnson, J. F., & Kirby, M. M. (2008, April). Continuation high schools: An inside look at California’s primary dropout intervention program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the AERA: American Educational Research Association, New York.
Kirby, M. M. & DiPaola, M. F. (2008, October). Academic optimism and student achievement. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA), Orlando, Florida.
Works Under Review
Crawford, E. O. & Kirby, M. M. (under peer review). Conceptualizing teachers’ global competencies: What it means for preparing tomorrow’s global educators.
Works in Progress
Kirby, M.M. Academic Optimism Over Time.