Committed ~ Emotionally Intelligent ~ Globally Competent ~ High Interpersonal Skills ~ High Intrapersonal Skills
Attuned to socio-political, educational and technological developments
Scholarly and Professional Activities
Multicultural Education Review
Associate Editor 2015-present
ePortfolios Australia
Invited speaker, September webinar, The interplay between portfolios, social media and digital identity September 2019
Invited speaker, August webinar, Researching with ePortfolios in higher education: Process, pitfalls and epiphanies August 2018
The Association for Authentic, Experiential, & Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL)
Invited speaker, webinar for NYC conference July 2019
Invited moderator, Twitterchat #ePortfolio August & November 2019
Invited ‘unconference’ speaker AAC&U ePortfolio Forum January 2020
The Asia Pacific Centre for Leadership and Change, Hong Kong Institute of Education (now The Education University of Hong Kong)
Visiting Scholar with Prof Alan Walker Feb-Apr 2015
Research Fellow 2015-2017
Invited Participant, Asia Leadership Roundtable 2015, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand with Prof Phillip Hallinger March 2015
American Educational Research Association (AERA)
Member 2006-present
Invited Panel Reviewer for Annual Meeting 2010-2016
Mahara ePortfolios/Catalyst IT NZ
Project Smart Evidence. Collaborated with academics across UC faculty and (open source) Catalyst NZ programmers to improve Mahara functionality for users to display evidence maps electronically. Released in Mahara 15.04 on 17 April 2015. Further work with other organisations is ongoing and Smart Evidence is continually being improved through its implementation in K12 and University education worldwide. 2013-2016
American Secondary Education Journal
Editorial Board Member 2010-2017 (until final issue)
University of Wollongong, Learning & Teaching Centre
Invited by Dr. Christine Brown to present workshops on ePortfolio implementation, Feb 2015
TQI: Teacher Quality Institute
Australian Capital Territory TQI ePortfolio Professional Development Workshops: Planning and Implementation, 2013-2015
ISTAA: Independent Schools Teacher Accreditation Authority, NSW
Invited cohort facilitator to lead a series of four webinars on action research data collection, analysis and implications to support the Experienced Teachers earning accreditation. 2015
NAFSA: Association of International Educators
Member 2014-present
Invited Reviewer for Annual Conference 2014
University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA)
Reviewer for Annual Convention 2008- 2010; 2015
Project Advisory Group for the NSW School Partnerships Evaluation 2012
ACT Department of Education and Training
Academic Mentor, Kingsford Smith School (K-10) 2010
Invited Manuscript Referee for the Following Journals:
Journal of Educational Administration
Asia Pacific Education Review
Asia Pacific Journal of Education
Global Partners in Education Journal
International Journal of Organizational Analysis
Book Reviews
Sage in Global Education
Cengage Publishing
Pearson (Anita Woolfolk Hoy’s Australian edition of Educational Psychology)
Other Highlights
Personal Liaison to Jonathan Kozol during campus visit for Project HOPE’s Annual Conference, Flinging Our Arms Wide: Providing School Stability for Students in Need, February 2006.
Member of the Graduate Honor Council, the College of William & Mary of Virginia, 2005-2009.
Kappa Delta Pi, Alpha Xi Chapter, 2006-2009. Education honor society, Historian, the College of William & Mary of Virginia, USA.
Member, Judicial Appeals Committee, the College of William & Mary, 2006-2007.
Member, National Council of Teachers of English, 2001-2010, USA.
Participant, Amnesty International Human Right Educator’s Summit, July 2003, NYC.
Member, Summer 2002 Class, The School Law Institute, Teachers College, Columbia University, NYC.
First alto, University of Southern Mississippi Symphony Chorus and Southern Arts Festival Chorus, 1996-1999. Performed the NY premier of Choose Life by Samuel Adler, Lincoln Center, NY, NY, Spring 1998.
A decade of superior retail sales (commission) and hospitality service.